Terabyte Image for UEFI is a version that supports direct boot without running on Windows platform. This version only supports UEFI mode.

In this article I will guide you to boot Image for UEFI through Grub2. There are two methods: extract files from ISO or boot directly from ISO.

Image for UEFI will default to boot into /efi/boot/bootx64.efi. This file is actually Shimx64.efi, which is used for the purpose of passing Secure Boot. Then Shimx64.efi will launch Grubx64.efi, we will boot directly into Grubx64.efi because AIO Boot also uses Shimx64.efi before.


To extract this file, you need a program to extract. Here I use 7-Zip, you can download and install if not already.

  1. Open imageforuefi_v3.09.iso with 7-Zip. You will see the [BOOT] \ 2-Boot-NoEmul.img file, continue to open this file..
  2. You will see the UEFIBOOT.DAT file here, continue to open this file. The ifu.ini file contains information about settings and license. We will ignore this file, as it is not necessary.
  3. Once you have opened UEFIBOOT.DAT file, you now need to extract the efi\boot\grubx64.efi file to AIO Boot drive.
  4. Open the file /AIO/Menu/Main.cfg and add the following code:
    ### Start Image for UEFI
    	menuentry "[i] Image for UEFI" --hotkey=i {
    		chainloader /grubx64.efi
    ### End Image for UEFI

    You can rename file grubx64.efi to whatever name you want.

  5. Restart your computer for testing. Press i to boot it quickly. Note: You can also boot into Image for UEFI from rEFInd.

Boot ISO from Grub2

You can directly boot the ISO file of Image for UEFI via Grub2. This method applies to version 3.09, it may not work on other versions.

  1. Copy imageforuefi_v3.09.iso file to AIO Boot drive.
  2. Open the file /AIO/Menu/Main.cfg and add the following code:
    menuentry "[i] Image for UEFI" --hotkey=i {
    	set gfxpayload=1024x768x32,1024x768x24,1024x768x16,1024x768,auto
    	set iso_path="/imageforuefi_v3.09.iso"
    	loopback loop ${iso_path}
    	loopback ElTorito (loop)108+13784
    	loopback Part (ElTorito)/UEFIBOOT.DAT
    	chainloader (Part)/efi/boot/grubx64.efi
    	loopback -d Part
    	loopback -d ElTorito
    	loopback -d loop

    You can rename file imageforuefi_v3.09.iso to whatever name you want.

  3. Restart your computer for testing. Press i to boot it quickly.

Good luck!

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  1. Hello aioboot- Suport,
    I have a bootable Yumi-multiple-USB-Stick, on which are different tools installed to work with. To include another program, one need the software for that tool as an iso-file. I am running the retail Img-f-Windows ver. 3.39. Is it possible, that one can create a gui-Version also as an iso-file? I would be glad to have one for integration into my bootable Yumi-Boot-Tools-Collection-Stick. Thank you for an answer with kind regards
